
Sony HX5 - low light video

Is the HX5 video performance bad in low light? Let´s find out.

ISO 400 1/2 second NO TRIPOD!

MP4 720

AVCHD 1080 resized to 720

ISO 3200 1/15 second

MP4 720

AVCHD 1080 resized to 720

Well it was pretty dark as you can see and the result is not too bad. Sure with a CCD sensor it would be better, but so far I never needed to shoot in such dark places and even when I had my old Sony 8mm with infra red night vision, I made one clip out of curiosity and then never again. So if you need to shoot often in the dark and you can not bring an extra video light, you should look somewhere else.
... and no that is not the yellow cast of doom, my walls and ceiling are yellow.

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